Posts in Food & Nutrition
Dietary supplements: safe or shenanigans?

If you’re one of the many millions of Americans taking dietary supplements, either daily or every so often, you no doubt expect them to be safe, and to contain what they say they do. In this case it would also no doubt be a huge disappointment to learn the supplement industry is basically not regulated by anyone.

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Pandemic Pantry: Best natural snacks

At the time of writing the news cycle is crowded with articles about how “Offices will never be the same”, “The new normal of air travel”, and “Here’s how to safely wash your vegetables". These are valid pieces to write, (please don’t wash your lettuce with dish soap) thanks to the Covid-19 global pandemic, but let’s look at something a little less bleak for a second - snacks!

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PSA: Boil your frozen berries

While smoothies are still all the rage amongst wellness enthusiasts, please remember to boil your berries before popping them in the blender. Although we’d prefer the icy texture of frozen berries in smoothies and milkshakes, it’s actually really not advisable to use frozen berries without boiling them first. What the heck?! This is because, all the way back in 2013, three people in Sweden died as a result of a norovirus outbreak linked to imported frozen strawberries. 

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