Did you know? Apple peel is an antidepressant (sort of)

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Ursolic acid is a compound identified in the peels of apples as early as 1920. Several studies have been conducted (mostly on animals) on the effects of this compound, and the results suggest varying affects of antidepressant qualities (comparable to medical drug antidepressants like fluoxetine, imipramine, and bupropion), nervous system protection, stimulation of collagen production, and increased skeletal muscle formation and energy consumption. Now, happy cantaloupe is not a medical journal, instead we’re all about illustrating why eating a whole rainbow of nature’s incredible bounty truly cannot be beat by lotions, potions and pills formulated from synthetic chemicals.

So then where can we find ursolic acid in nature? Oh, lots of places. It exists in the peels of apples and pears, as well as berries and herbs like rosemary and thyme, bilberries, cranberries, elderflower, peppermint, lavender, oregano, and hawthorn.

According to Dr William Li MD, writer of Foods to Eat to Beat Disease, ursolic acid promotes Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, or VEGF. VEGF is a protein the body makes when it’s injured and needs better blood circulation in order to repair the damage. VEGF provides more blood as blood vessels starts sprouting in order to recirculate oxygen and nutrients to where they’re needed. If you cut yourself, be it a small cut or a major injury, that tissue releases VEGF immediately and starts to heal up and grow blood vessels under the wound. According to Li, VEGF can also help restore nerve function, is important for helping to maintain clear vision, as well as a healthy heart.

In short, when you chomp on those apples and pears with the peel on, you get ursolic acid, which gets to work to help promote VEGF so that you get the circulation going where your body needs it. Organic apples and pears are of course preferred, especially if you’re eating the peel, to minimize your pesticide load. There are no supplements for VEGF promotion pals, so here’s just another great reason to hit to produce aisle!