Did you know? Grape seeds have healing powers

It’s not surprising that grapes are good for you - fruit are awesome! But the extent to which the bitter little seeds of grapes have been studied is quite astounding. And the results of those studies even more so.

Grape seeds are an antioxidant MVP. They contain phenolic acids, anthocyanins, flavonoids, and oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes, which is good for you, and bad for free radicals. In studies grape seed extract has seen promising results as an anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory agent, it has also been found to boost collagen production. With these benefits it’s truly not surprising that we’ve added grape seed oil to oodles of skincare products. But these same properties are also promising wound healing properties.

Early research has even seen grape seed extract take on cancer cells. One remarkable study by the University of Kentucky found that extract from grape seeds forced laboratory leukemia cells to commit cell suicide. Researchers found that within 24 hours, 76 percent of leukemia cells had died after being exposed to the extract.

Other benefits of grape seed extract that have been studied are aiding brain health - specifically memory, improving hypertension, detoxification, and lowering blood pressure and improving circulation for improved cardiovascular health.

You can find grape seed extract in supplement form, so no need to crunch on the bitter seeds!
