Why you need natural deodorant (+ why deodorant beats antiperspirant) and 5 to try

The natural deodorant category is booming and we’re so excited about all the fantastic options out there. But what’s really the difference between natural and conventional deodorant? Why is natural deodorant advertised with “Doesn’t contain aluminum”?

Well, first things’ first, the aluminum containing pit control is actually antiperspirant, not deodorant. All deodorant is (or at least should be) aluminum free - which is why you would see it as a marketing tactic on your deodorant bottle to differentiate it from the aluminum containing antiperspirants, not other deodorants. Antiperspirant - like the name cleverly suggests, keeps you from perspiring by forming a blocking layer of aluminum chloride (when it melts on your skin) based compounds on your skin.

Much like zinc and iron, essential minerals that humans need, aluminum is also naturally found in nature. However, you won’t find aluminum supplements at the store because aluminum is in no way essential for optimal health. Aluminum is a neurotoxin at high doses. And the tolerable weekly intake set by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) of 1 mg aluminum/kg body weight in a 60-kg (132 lb) adult is already exceeded from daily life in some individuals.

You really can’t avoid getting aluminum in your body, because it’s used in cookware, pharmaceutical drugs, cosmetics and construction, but you don’t need to be out there looking for additional ways to get some extra neurotoxin.

So that explains why you shouldn’t choose antiperspirants, but what’s the problem with conventional deodorant? Basically, they’re loaded with all the parabens, phthalates and other jazzy endocrine disruptors you just don’t need in your life or body.

There are tons of excellent options in natural deodorants that really do keep your stank at bay. To narrow down your search, look for a company whose messaging you trust and a short ingredient list where you can pronounce the ingredients. Then just look for your fave scent or type of deodorant: stick/powder/paste/roll on/spray - like we said, there are TONS of options.

We tested out a selection of natural deodorants and here are 5 winners to try:

  1. Nuud: Nuud comes in a tube and we’re still new to the tube deodorant game. If you’re like us this may take a few days to get comfortable with. The big selling point of nuud is that you don’t need to apply it daily, and that exercising or taking a shower won’t affect its performance.

2. Salt of the Earth Classic Salt Stone. If you’re looking for no scent option this is hands down the best thing out there we’ve found. Truly blocks odors and keeps you dry. Also vegan. A+.

3. Arm and Hammer. An affordable and a trusty choice with baking powder power. (We know, some of y’all don’t want baking power in your pits but this deodorant still rocks.) Plenty of scents available to choose from, too.

4. Schmidts. Best array of fun scents, this Jasmine scent for sensitive skin is delicious. To be honest it’s not the most effective (when ya get too hot it can start to melt off, liquify, and run down. Not ideal. But winner for scent.

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5. True of Sweden - an old school roller ball container with an organic liquid deodorant that smells faintly of cypress and citrus. A great option if you’re looking for an organic alternative.

*products gifted