Conscious Companies: Moi Forest - introducing microbiome skincare from Finland

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We’re thrilled (thrilled!) to be among the first to experience this product innovation.

Moi Forest is a brand new Finnish skincare line on a mission to reconnect us with nature, and boost our immunity.

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Nope, this isn’t hype. The Nurturing Forest Dust Multipurpose Cream has a magic ingredient - the Reconnecting Nature™ forest dust microbial extract. It is the product of the joint Adele project of the University of Helsinki and Tampere University. The project develops ways to prevent immune-mediated diseases including most allergies, asthma, inflammatory bowel diseases, and autoimmune diseases, of which there are more than 80 in total, like psoriasis, diabetes, and Crohn’s disease.

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Basically, this cream has real microbes from beautiful Finnish nature, alive and well, that are applied to your skin. These microbes go right to work to boost your immune system. Like they used to do before we lived in hyper sanitized urban areas. A study showed that after two weeks of topical application of Reconnecting Nature™ the good microbes could be found in the gut. This is huge because 70% of our immune system is housed in the gut. And what you put on your skin gets into your bloodstream quicker than what you eat.

The idea of Moi Forest came to the founder, Karita Sainio, before anyone had an inkling of the current pandemic, but the timing of the launch is admittedly serendipitous. We’re all looking for ways to keep our immune system robust right now, and we can see this product being a massive global success.

Other exciting selling points beyond the science are:

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  • Dreamy packing

  • Cardboard tube! (means no micro plastic in your cream)

  • Vegan

  • Cosmos Organic certified (European standardized cosmetics certification)

  • Not tested on animals

  • Carbon neutral

  • Made in Finland

  • Delightful scent

And don’t be afraid of the gray color! That’s the “good dirt”. The color will not be visible once the cream sinks in to your skin. The intended use is to apply the cream on a small area every day when you can’t get into nature. Hot goss: you can also use it as a mask.

We’ll say it again - we are so excited to see all the places this fantastic Finnish innovation will go.

Photos by Ned Dymoke

*Product gifted